I decided to start this blog as an easy way to keep everyone informed about Tom's deployment and my journey through the next year or so. On February 2, 2012 we all said "see you later" to Specialty Shotts as he headed out for Fort Bliss, Texas. Fort Bliss will be the first stop on his 400 day deployment (or as he put it...his vacation ha!). After 5-6 weeks of addition training at Fort Bliss, he will make his way over the "pond" to Afghanistan. I hope to keep everyone up-to-date using this blog as I receive the information from him. This year is going to take a lot of patience and trust in each other, but in the end it is all worth it. Please keep Tom, the 420th EN CO, and all the men and women who are fighting for our freedom in your thoughts and prayers.

Friday, February 3, 2012

And so it begins

Only (well hopefully) 396 more days until Tom's deployment is over!! This is going to be a scary, yet I feel a very rewarding journey for both of us.  I cannot sit here and complain I knew what I was getting myself into when we started dating...but that doesn't make it easier.  Yesterday was a weird experience.  The countdown began and the realization of it all was starting to appear.  The only good thing was that he kept me busy by running a bunch of errands to get a few last things done before having to be at the Reserve base at 1600 (i am finally starting to get the hang of military time).  I did really well with not crying the entire week until he put his uniform on.  As I sat there watching him zip up that jacket and lace up his boots, I realized that he was leaving and this wasn't just some messed up dream I have been having. At that moment I realized I was head over (boots) in love with a Soldier of the United States Army!  As tears started rolling down my face, Tom looked over at me..........(i am assuming you are thinking he would say something romantic that makes me cry more)........well sorry to disappoint you but he looks at me and says......"Really already! Hahaha cry baby!!!" That right there sums up our relationship...as soon as I start to take life a little too seriously or start to get outside the realm of reality, he always brings me to laughter.  He knows exactly when to make fun of me that is for sure.  I think in a way that statement right there made the whole "saying goodbye" a lot easier. There is nothing more heart breaking then standing there saying goodbye to your loved one and looking over and having to see a father saying goodbye to his children. I think I cried more at seeing that then saying goodbye to Tom.  I could never imagine what that is like! At 6:30pm the town all stood together on Philly Street as the buses were escorted by police out of town.  The amount of flags, signs, and people showed that these Soldiers are truly in the hearts of everyone.  I wonder if Tom saw all of his family, myself, and my parents standing there to support him....don't worry I will probably hear about how I was crying like a little girl if he did.  I have yet to hear from Mr. Thomas but hopefully I will soon.  I saw one of this military friends status saying that they made it safely to Fort Bliss, so transition number 1 was a success.  Please keep him and the rest of the men and women in your prayers.  Pray for a safe return for all! 


  1. yes, you are insane and crazy. yes, you have a spelling error in your forth sentence. yes, you can be a cry baby. however, i personally think that this time apart will be good for you too. it will give you the chance to develop and to figure out what you want in life. plus you both are still young yet, its good to be out in the world accomplishing your dreams; doing good things; and knowing that you can survive independently on your own. there is plenty of time for all that lovely-dovey-mushy crap when you are older - you know in like 19 years. haha.

    1. ummm excuse me I said don't point out my grammatical errors!!!

  2. My dear sweet niece. I love this article and believe it is a great way for you to express your emotions and feel connected in some way to Mr. Tom. Also, sometimes Mr. Tom might be able to read them also and bring the "stiff upper lip" person, who deep inside is most likely not, as underneath my Marine is not, some comfort. Good going and ignore your elder sisters comment - she is really an old person at heart with a young body. Unlike me who has a young heart and old body!!!! Love ya all. AC

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