I decided to start this blog as an easy way to keep everyone informed about Tom's deployment and my journey through the next year or so. On February 2, 2012 we all said "see you later" to Specialty Shotts as he headed out for Fort Bliss, Texas. Fort Bliss will be the first stop on his 400 day deployment (or as he put it...his vacation ha!). After 5-6 weeks of addition training at Fort Bliss, he will make his way over the "pond" to Afghanistan. I hope to keep everyone up-to-date using this blog as I receive the information from him. This year is going to take a lot of patience and trust in each other, but in the end it is all worth it. Please keep Tom, the 420th EN CO, and all the men and women who are fighting for our freedom in your thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

From Texas to Afghanistan

Sorry I have not posted in awhile but not much as been going on.  Everything has been going well.  I have been able to chat on Facebook with Tom everyday which is nice.  We were able to Skype for about an hour last night seeing as it was their last night in the states.  They left Fort Bliss early this morning to make their long journey to Afghanistan. Tom will have about a few hour lay over in Baltimore Maryland today which is so close but yet we can't see each other.  He is excited and ready to go, unlike a lot of the other soldiers.  We will be unsure from here on out when we will get to talk.  They were told that internet might not be strong enough over there to Skype but hopefully we can communicate through phones on base, email, and snail mail. 

They had a solider come and talk to them about the conditions of the place where they will be stationed.  Tom said that where he is going they have not found any bombs in at least nine months which is a good thing.  It would be more reassuring if things didn't change daily.  Tom is afraid they will just be bored over there the whole time...good thing he has his Xbox! I doubt they will be bored and I am sure they will be kept busy. 

As for me, I am okay.  Last night was another goodbye....you would think after the millionth goodbye it would get easier but it doesn't.  Hopefully he can get on the internet during this lay over so then we can talk before he goes.  They do not fly right into Afghanistan and yes they do fly on commercial airlines  if you were wondering. I was surprised because in all those movies you see the soldiers all laying with their luggage and such on a plane floor.  Nope, not the case.  Their luggage and weapons are kept where all luggage is kept and they sit in normal plane seats.  I am unsure if they will charter the whole plane themselves because I think there are only a select few individuals who are leaving with Tom.  They are going over there a little early to establish everything then the rest of their unit will head over (at least that is what I was told a few weeks ago). 

My one prayer for this year is for him to come back safely.  If we don't get to talk much that is fine, all I want is for him to return home all in one piece and breathing (a little morbid i know).  I have told him since day one the less I know the better off I will be so hopefully he will only share good things with me so I do not start freaking out more than I already am.  The good thing is....he might be home by Christmas...that is if everything goes according the plan.  The downfall is he won't get a two week leave (which i am fine with as long as he is coming home early).  I would love to bank on this and say he is coming home then but lets face it this is the Army and their minds change constantly.

So please keep Tom, his unit, and all the men and women fighting in your prayers.  They are doing so much for us so we can take a few minutes out of our hectic days and pray for them.  As soon as I hear that they have arrived safely at their destination I will let everyone know.  Until then we are all in a waiting game (and i have a feeling it will be like that for the next year). 

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